Portrait of a shirtless person with a septum piercing and short hair standing against a dark background.

Ezra Swift, born in Vallejo, CA began his dance training with Afro-Cuban dancing at age 4, where he trained for 3 years. Attended Alonzo King’s Lines ballet for 7 years, where he had the opportunity to work with Lines ballet company. Performed works by Gregory Dawson, lee Wei chow, Nathen trice, and many more during his two-year pre-professional program. Shortly after, he attended The Ailey School’s independent study program Studying; Ballet, West African, Modern and many more techniques. He has worked with Steven Stivel, Christopher Rudd, Alonzo King, and Mathew Rushing to name a few. Ezra has been an artist with RudduR dance since 2017.

Ezra Swift